MUG Makeup Artist Lab
Confidently apply anyone’s makeup

For the practicing/working makeup artist

A student of makeup needs to be taught with great attention-to-detail by their instructors. Students must be given absolute skills that they can take into the marketplace and be able to confidently apply anyone’s makeup.
My experience with makeup artist’s in training is after learning a solid basic skill set, they want to learn more technique. The thinking is learning more technique will make them a better makeup artist.
It won’t.
Learning more technique will give them a larger skill set, not a better one.
What makes a better makeup artist is putting skills to the test.
This is a difficult leap to make as makeup artists in training do not have the resources to go about testing their skill set.
Enter MUG Makeup Artist Lab
MUG Makeup Artist Lab provides the discipline, experience and ongoing practice/training environment to advance the growing makeup artist.
I am a critic of large/expensive makeup courses where students spend their time/money watching a demonstration then repeating what they saw on each other. With a little training thrown in, students are paying a premium to practice on each other and spend half of the time being a model and not practicing themselves at all.
There is great value in having your makeup done while training as a makeup artist, I just think paying the premium tuition for that experience is not the best use of student’s money.
MUG Makeup Artist Lab provides the affordable structure for students to continue practicing and training simultaneously.
MUG Makeup Artist Lab defined.
MUG Makeup Artist Lab is an hybrid training/practice environment.
Students are given a structured approach to practice and grow their skill set, and at the same time, on-hand is their instructor to answer questions and demonstrate technique not yet grasped by the student to further their training.
There are 4 Makeup Artist stations available at any one time.
This means there can be no more than 8 people in the MUG Lab at any one time. 4 practicing makeup artists and 4 models.
This small lab size insures careful attention to detail for all in attendance.
Makeup artists may pair up and work with each other or bring their own model.
Please Note:
Makeup Gourmet does not pair artists. If you wish to pair with another artist, those arrangements are made exclusively by you.
Models are not provided except upon request with one week notice. Pricing for provided models is $20/hr. Minimum 4hrs.
Because space is limited, there is a ‘corkage fee’ of $10/hour when bringing your own model.
Cost for this training/practice environment is $15-$20/hour.
It is, by far, the most affordable way to get professional training while advancing your craft.
Participants may spend their time however they choose. In every case, I am there to answer questions and demonstrate technique.
Suggested uses of MUG Lab
Self Guided: For the artist who knows what they want to get better at and comes in to practice just that (Minimum 4 hours).
Look Book*: Suggested for all makeup artists! One of my three makeup mentors taught me this and it made all the difference. Please see Look Book below for all the info.(Minimum 4 hours).
Safety Net: Meet with potential and actual clients with the knowledge that I am there to help. (Minimum 2 hours)
Client: For the working makeup artist who wants to meet their client in a makeup studio space. (Minimum 2 hours)
What is a Look Book?
A personal collection of images of makeup applications to which you aspire.
Suggested criteria for these images include:
• Face size needs to be at least half or more the size of the page. Small images leave out too much detail
• Make sure it is makeup you personally love or admire.
• Make sure it is makeup you can re-create or want to learn how to re-create
For makeup students, this is the missing link learning tool to expand your makeup skills.
Many painters perfect their technique by copying painting styles they wish to emulate. The makeup must must also learn how to achieve
their desired results by ‘figuring out’ how a makeup is done from an image to a model.
Most accomplished makeup artists have spent many hours recreating makeup looks they admire from print. As makeup styles are endless, the more looks that can be perfected, the deeper the pool of ideas to draw from when creating a fresh new look.

MUG Makeup Artist Lab is a supervised environment where makeup artists/students work with each other to perfect their makeup skills.
Makeup artists/students looking for a structured practice environment with professional supervision.
Makeup Gourmet Studio
Mondays 10 am–6 pm.
- Practice makes perfect. Students work from their Look Book* to perfect looks to which they aspire.
- Emphasis is placed on advancing technique, broadening makeup vocabulary, artistic expression, originality, and consistency.
- Instructor Chris Scott monitors the Makeup Lab and answers/demonstrates all student questions during each Makeup Lab session.
- Photography of finished makeup is provided for students to build their personal makeup artist book for use in securing future makeup jobs.
- Makeup and brushes are provided.
- 20% pro discount on all products for students to keep.
- MUG Makeup Artist Lab Hours: 9 am–6 pm every Monday.
- MUG Makeup Artist Lab is held on Mondays to accommodate the Cosmetology/Esthetician Beauty School student and working hair stylist schedule.
- MUG Makeup Artist Lab is limited to eight makeup artists/students/models total at one time.
- Advanced sign-up is required to reserve your hours at MUG Makeup Lab.
- Hours are logged. There is no required amount of time a makeup artist student may use the MUG Makeup Lab.
- Students are encouraged to use each other as models. Having your makeup done is as instructive as applying makeup for the training makeup artist.
- Students may bring their own models if preferred.
- Makeup Gourmet does not pair artists. If you wish to pair with another artist, those arrangements are made exclusively by you.
- Models are not provided except upon request with one week notice. Pricing for provided models is $20/hr. Minimum 4hrs.
- Because space is limited, there is a ‘corkage fee’ of $10/hour when bringing your own model.
- Students are encouraged to work from their makeup kit for consistency from inside to outside the MUG Makeup Artist Lab.
Contact us
P: 415-702-9819
Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup®


- Payment is due in full in advance.
- Minimum 24 hour notice if going to be absent
- In case of unreported absence notice, payment is non-refundable.
- Rates subject to change
- Tuition is non-refundable
Credit card, check* and cash accepted for payment.
*Checks must be delivered one week before training to allow time for bank approval.
Makeup Gourmet Studio
111 Westmoorland Dr.
San Francisco, CA 94132
Contact info
P: 415-702-9819
Contact for more info and to register
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Fail to prepare. Prepare to fail. (Thank you Gib Maudey)
Chris Scott
15th of January, 2018

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.
Want to know more? My new book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.
Makeup Gourmet Chris Scott’s new series of how-to video tutorials based on his
#1 international best seller Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.
‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’