Makeup Gourmet

How to Attract and Keep Water In Your Skin

Why do we want to attract and keep water in our skin?water

Water reflects light. Water makes skin cells full and round and full of light. Increasing your skins ability to absorb and maintain water is paramount in maintaing a skin that reflects light, thus a young looking skin.

The most profound molecule in our skin to attract and maintain water is Hyaluronic Acid.

If maintaining a young looking skin is of interest to you, this is worth the read (plus there is a great video and extra bonus at the end).

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a carbohydrate occurring naturally throughout the human body.  Although Hyaluronic Acid can be found naturally in most every cell in the body, it is found in the greatest concentrations in the skin tissue. Almost 50% of the bodies HA is found here. It is found in both the deep underlying dermal areas as well as the visible epidermal top layers.

Young skin is smooth and elastic and contains large amounts of HA that helps keep the skin stay young and healthy. The HA provides continuous moisture to the skin by binding up to 1000 times its weight in water. With age, the ability of the skin to produce HA decreases.

Hyaluronic Acid’s consistency and tissue-friendliness allows it to be beneficial in skin-care products as an excellent moisturizer. Because HA is one of the most hydrophilic (water-loving) molecules in nature with numerous benefits for the human body it can be described as “nature’s moisturizer”.skin (1)

The fact that Hyaluronic Acid is found naturally in the dermis of the skin makes it even more appealing as a skin care ingredient.

Sodium Hyaluronate is the sodium salt of Hyaluronic Acid. It is a smaller molecule than Hyaluronic Acid that is easily absorbed topically through the skin.

Sodium Hyaluronate is a powerful humectant that attracts and holds on to water, making it the ultimate skin moisturizer. This helps to hydrate skin and keep it moist and supple.

Because it attracts and binds to water, it causes slight swelling. This swelling helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and gives skin a more youthful appearance. In addition, the subtle swelling increases volume, which makes skin look younger.

People are increasingly looking for products that contain natural ingredients that aren’t toxic and won’t harm or irritate skin. Sodium Hyaluronate fits the bill. The Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep database classifies it as an ingredient with a low potential for toxicity and gives it a high safety rating.

age defy
This is why my favorite (and most popular) skin care offering is my Age Defying Serum.

It delivers a concentrated dose of Sodium Hyaluronate to your skin before you moisturize. It dramatically draws and maintains water in your skin.

Because I keep my skin care cost inclusive, it is only $29.

If what you just read makes sense to you, I urge you to try Age Defying Serum.


As a thank you for reading this post, I am offering my Age Defying Serum for only $25 for the rest of October, 2015.

if younger looking skin appeals to you, this is the best nature has to offer. The rest is up to you.

Please apply it all over your face each time before you apply moisturizer.


I will be posting an ongoing series of Makeup Gourmet Authentic Beauty Makeup skin care highlight in upcoming blogs.

Each post will highlight a skin care category Makeup Gourmet offers.

What to Know about Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® Skin Care.


Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new best selling book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.

Chris Scott
8h of October,  2015

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

What Does Young Skin Look Like?

Good day

ps. Not my sister.

I gave my sister a bottle of my Age Defying Serum. She asked, “Will it make me look younger?

As I know my sister is highly analytical, her question made me ask myself, “What does young looking skin look like?”

My answer is, young looking skin is smooth, reflects light, and is translucent.

So what behavior and products promote young looking skin?


Water reflects light. Water makes skin cells full and round and full of light. Increasing your skins ability to absorb and maintain water in your skin is paramount in maintaing a skin that reflects light, thus a young looking skin.

iStock_000043772958_XXXLarge copyTranslucency/exfoliation

Skin replenishes itself every 30 days. Once full grown, our body has less incentive to create skin cells at our previous growing-up rate. Surface skin cells die but are still attached. They no longer hold water and light, and mask the brightness of the skin cells below. The weekly removal/exfoliation of surface dead skin cells exposes the fresh living skin cells and promotes more rapid skin cell reproduction. This results in our skin behaving and looking like young translucent skin.

I have studied and worked with skin care long enough to know that as long as you make skin care a daily practice, your skin will look and feel better.  Just like brushing your teeth, if you skip a day, you can see and feel the difference.

There is no miracle cream.  The miracle is in the daily use of the cream.

There are are key ingredients that help promote increased hydration and translucency.  Just remember, it will look better for a day.

Much skin care is exclusive.Makeup Gourmet

Skin care is the most over-priced category in cosmetics as it preys on our need to maintain youthfulness. It attempts to make this simple process of skin care exclusive. To gain access to this exclusive club, you have to pay the fees, in this case, inflated skin care pricing.

I went the inclusive route.

I selected skin care that contains key ingredients to promote hydration and translucency. I then chose to make less on the sale of my skin care than my color product so that most anyone can afford using skin care.

I currently have no skin care product over $29! Guess what?  It is the Age Defying Serum I gave my sister.

I also offer comprehensive Skin Care Bundles to lessen your cost even more.

men skincareAs far as inclusivity goes, I also developed a skin care line for men. It is my belief that skin is skin and Makeup Gourmet skin care applies to all genders.

However, for some, there is a stigma for using products traditionally targeted for women. I offer the same solutions for maintaing a young looking skin with my men’s skin care line. The products and packaging are streamlined to appeal to a male’s sensibilities that doesn’t see themselves using products ‘made for women’.

The point of this post is to help you understand the simplicity and availability of achieving and maintaining young looking skin. It is not a mystery. It is not what someone has in a bottle and if you pay your membership fee, you can be part of that club.


it is the simple process of daily care using mindful and affordable products.

I will be posting an ongoing series of Makeup Gourmet Authentic Beauty Makeup skin care highlight in upcoming blogs.

Each post will highlight a skin care category Makeup Gourmet offers.


Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new best selling book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.

Chris Scott
8h of October,  2015

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Makeup Training Manual/ Bulk Discount


In my ongoing mission to give away my makeup expertise, I make this gesture.

Beauty school students/students of beauty crave more makeup training. Since makeup artistry is a trade that does not require a state license to perform, the education in beauty schools is mostly hygienic and technique basic.

I have held Master Makeup Training classes in beauty schools and at the Academy of Art and students always ask for a training manual with the material I teach.  This was one of the main motivators to get my method in a highly communicative book form to pass on this information.

The fact that this book is a#1 international best seller speaks to its broad appeal and effectiveness.

Face with a Heart speaks to the makeup artist in everyone. It applies equally to self-application and application to others. As I see it, a face is a face and makeup is makeup. There is no difference in who is applying makeup, the rules are always the same.

I want to make this book easily accessible to students on a budget.

Here are some very good reasons why Face with a heart makes an excellent training manual for students of beauty.

Key Strengths:

• Teaches a method that works for all face types and lifestyles.

• Provides the artist with a fail-proof order of application.

• Includes free companion video tutorials for each ‘How’ chapter of the book.

• Maximizes efficient application without jeapordizing stellar results.

• Clearly defines a natural, balanced, dramatic and trend makeup.

• Informs how to communicate with clients to best fulfill their needs.

• Clarifies the ‘Why’ first, then the ‘How’ of each step of makeup application.

• Imparts an aesthetic that is authentic to each client.



Here are the first 20 pages of the book to assess its value



Letter from the author
How to use this book

Part One: Theory behind the technique

  1. Beauty Makeup vs Authentic Beauty Makeup
  2. Power of Makeup
  3. The Why? Of Makeup
  4. Authentic Beauty Makeup Looks
  5. Look Book
  6. Color Intensity
  7. Structure of Face Shapes
  8. Face with a Heart
  9. Face Shape Translator
  10. Reduce the Distractions/Enhance the Attractions
  11. World of the Eye
  12. Sweet Spot of the Eye
  13. Vault of the Face
  14. Eyes Wide/Lips Tall
  15. Cheeks frame the heart
  16. Lash Last
  17. Sum is Greater Than its Parts

Part Two: How to Master Authentic Beauty Makeup2015-06-02-FWAH-AmazonUS-paper-cosmetics1-IMAGES

  1. Makeup Station
  2. Makeup Brushes
  3. Face with a Heart Proper Order of Makeup Application
  4. Eyes
    1. Brows
    2. Eye Shadow Base/Corrector/Primer
    3. Lash Filler (upper lash bed eye liner)
    4. Eye Shadow: Classic Contour Method
    5. Fuzzy Liner (bottom lash liner)
    6. Wedge Liner (art liner)
    7. Modern Contour Eye Shadow
    8. Clean Up the Under-eye Area
  5. Skin
    1. Skin Primer
    2. Skin Correction
    3. Foundation
    4. Powder
  6. Lips
    1. Lip Liner
    2. Lip Color
    3. Lip Gloss
  7. Cheeks
    1. Contour Cheek Bone
    2. Blend Cheek Contour
    3. Powder Blush
    4. Cream Blush
    5. Highlight Cheek Bone
  8. Mascara
    1. Upper Lashes
    2. Bottom Lashes
  9. Finish



This resource is offered to Beauty Schools and students of beauty to supplement a rewarding makeup education in a cost-effective manner.


Full Retail
Paperback –  $24.95

Your Cost
Orders from 10-49 units receive a 15% discount
$21.20 per unit/minimum 10 units.  Save $3.75 per unit
Click here to order now
Click here for shipping fee per # of units in order


Orders for 50+ units receive a 20% discount
$20.00 per unit/minimum 50 units.  Save $4.95 per unit
Click here to order now
Click here for shipping fee per # of units in order

For more info and to custom order
Please send your email to:
or call at: 415-431-9800




Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® Products & Expertise


Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you. Want to know more? My new best selling book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.


Chris Scott

19th of September,  2015

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’ CS

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Presenting Value Bundles

Face with a Heart
Authentic Beauty Makeup®

Value Bundles
imgresimages copy


Face with a Heart value bundles are sets of products that work cohesively together saving you both time and money when you shop.


Value Bundle Categories

Book Bundles

Brush Bundles

Cheek Bundles

Eye Bundles

Face Bundles

Lip Bundle

Skin Care Bundles

All Value Bundles


Here are my 2 hopes.

1. These Value Bundles prove an easier way for you to get what you want.

2. With your bundle suggestions, I may offer you exactly what you need while saving you time and money!

Please tell me what bundles you want to see offered.

Please email me at with bundle ideas that will benefit you.

With your suggestions, I may offer you exactly what you need while saving you time and money!

Face with a Heart
Authentic Beauty Makeup®
Products & Expertise


Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new best selling book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.

Chris Scott
14th of August,  2015

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Makeup Mission

Give  Away  All  My  Makeup  Expertise

Face with a Heart Virtual Private Shopping

 Hello everyone,

If you do not know it, I am on a mission.

From very early on in my beauty makeup career I felt there was something wrong. I watched makeup being applied on top of people’s faces. Makeup was applied in spite of the person to conform to a pre-determined look rather than honoring and fusing makeup with the person and their lifestyle.

From that day to this, I have experimented and tested techniques and products that, regardless of the intensity of the makeup, allow you to be seen more clearly.

This career-long goal has manifested into my unique method,  Face With a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup®.

There is a better way to wear makeup and this is it. I do not say this boastingly. I say this because it is true.

I want to give away all my makeup expertise.

Until now, only those who I work with personally can benefit from this new-found method. My ambition is to find a way for me to be able to climb through your internet connection and help you personally.

It’s working. This is the latest review on Amazon for Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

“Really first book EVER to show how to do makeup with links to how to videos on the author’s website for each part if needed. Finally had the opportunity from a book to learn and understand what to do. Why don’t other makeup artists include this information in their books???”

n-MATURE-WOMAN-COMPUTER-large570 is fulfilling my ambition.

Here are the highlights:

Free Face with a Heart companion Online video tutorial courses.
Hundreds of free how-to videos. Newest collections are videos that pair with each step in the now #1 best seller, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.woman_mature_computer

•  Virtual Makeup Lesson. The next best thing to meeting in person.  Choose a day time  that is convenient for you and let’s meet face-to-face regardless of the distance between us.

• Face with a Heart Value Bundles. Sets of products that work cohesively together and save you both time and money! This is only the first steps in offering ongoing comprehensive sets of makeup. This is what I am most excited about.

• Virtual Private Shopping.  The most efficient way to get personalized products and expertise.  Choose a day time best for you and we will virtually meet to discuss all of your makeup needs.

• The new #1 bestselling book Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty MakeupBoth the theory and applicable practice of the Face with a heart Authentic beauty Makeup® method.

• My first book Cosmetic Counter survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup.
My first book that started as a pamphlet for my clients that grew to an indispensable quick-read book for successful shopping.

Asian woman at computer-Front CoverIn this age of information, we can fuse both our sometimes compacted schedules with quality time without missing a beat.  I know what I have to share is important. Clients who have reviewed what I teach have called it ‘life changing’. It is bigger than me. Therefore I need a delivery system bigger than me to reach those who seek a better relationship with makeup.

Authentic Beauty Makeup is real. It works. It is worth every effort and learning curve on my part to get it in your hands. I am not the Internet Gourmet, I am the Makeup Gourmet. Authentic Beauty Makeup is what I know and I am a student of the internet. I study and work daily to master the internet delivery system so I may reach you as clearly as possible.

 I am on a mission.

Face with a Heart
Authentic Beauty Makeup®
Products & Expertise


Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new best selling book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.

Chris Scott
6th of August,  2015

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Private Video Chat Shopping

Private Video Chat  Shopping




Hello everyone,
If you do not know it, I am on a mission.  My mission is to create a healthier, happier relationship between you and your makeup. I have structured my website so you can get help via my online courses. I took 4 years to write my makeup manifesto Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup. My work has been validated as Face with a Heart is a #1 international best seller. I am reaching and helping people I have not yet met. I want you to be seen more clearly.

Some of the manifestations of my mission include:

The new bestselling book Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.
My first book Cosmetic Counter survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup.
Free online video tutorial courses.
Face with a Heart Value Bundles. Sets of products that work cohesively together to save you time and money.
and now—
Private Video Chat Shopping.  The most efficient way to get personalized products and expertise.

To learn more, Click Here.

Face with a Heart
Authentic Beauty Makeup®
Products & Expertise


Makeup Gourmet’s products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new best selling book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.

Chris Scott
27th of July,  2015

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Classic Contour Eye Shadow + Demo Video

Makeup Gourmet Chris Scott’s new series of how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Classic Contour Eye Shadow Application Video Tutorial

First Why:

Screenshot 2015-07-14 12.24.39To maximize shape, volume, depth, and color of the eye. Eye shadow has an infinite level of possibilities, so it is best to understand the principles of eye shadow which will help create the most authentic shape of any eye. Eye shadow is the best way to maximize the shape of your eyelid.

Principles of eye shadow:

• Lighter shades bring shape forward
• Darker shades sink shapes deeper back (recede)
• Shimmer reflects light and pulls focus to it and may bring shape forward
• Matte absorbs light and diminishes reflection and may sink shape deeper back.


Now How:

There are three basic parts of an eyelid that separate and define the shape of the eye.

They are:
Screenshot 2015-07-14 12.23.05

Ball: The ball of the eye is the skin that has the eyeball immediately underneath it when the eyes are closed.
Bone: The bone is any part under the eyebrow that has bone underneath it.Screenshot 2015-07-14 12.23.33
• Crease: The crease, and this is important, is the area under the curvature of the brow bone where it meets the ball of the eye. It is a sunken groove that is highly rounded as the eye sockets are highly rounded.

Eye shadow contourThink of this crease as a groove or track where your contour brush is designed to slip into and follow the natural curvature of the eye socket where it meets the eyeball. When applying eye shadow (and most color for that matter) always add and buildup to the desired effect. Try to avoid getting too much of anything on the face and having to rub it down or off. That is the essence of makeup gone wrong. As long as the intensity is always building up away from the face, the makeup appears connected to the person wearing it and gives the greatest control when applying any look.

Face with a Heart
Authentic Beauty Makeup®
Products & Expertise

Companion Video Tutorials

Follow your eyes anatomy and eye shadow will always look perfect!


Get what you need by clicking on the products below.

Featured Products

Featured Products

Makeup Gourmet’s products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Note: This series of video tutorials is organized in a specific order of application. It is not necessary to do every step when you do your makeup but I do suggest you follow the order of the videos and skip the steps that don’t apply to you.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.


Chris Scott

14th of July,  2015

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Face with a Heart Interview Tour – June 3rd: Inspirational Conversations with Cyrus Webb

Face with a Heart hit Triple #1 Bestseller on Amazon yesterday.
To celebrate, we are extending the collection of Free Gifts through this week.
Click now to get your copy and the collection of Free Gifts.

bc305592-97f5-4c0a-a5fa-b5a4a639d8b7_cyrus_webb_new1Through “Inspirational Conversations” host Cyrus Webb shares powerful messages and guests that are intended to inspire, motivate and encourage you in your life.






Wednesday June 3 2015
What: Live online interview
Who: Host – Cyrus Webb – Insprational Conversations
When: Wednesday June 3 10am PST

Where: Go to to listen


Face with a Heart hit Triple #1 Bestseller on Amazon yesterday.
To celebrate, we are extending the collection of Free Gifts through this week.
Click now to get your copy and the collection of Free Gifts.

Face with a Heart hit Triple #1 Bestseller on Amazon yesterday.
To celebrate, we are extending the collection of Free Gifts through this week.
Click now to get your copy and the collection of Free Gifts.

Chris Scott
3rd of June 2015

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of the wonderfully visual ‘how to’ book Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup (2014), as well as Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup (2003).

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Face with a Heart Book Launch Interview Tour – June 2nd: Talk it Out! with Dr. Debra Mandel & Kelli Miller

Today’s live interview at 1 pm includes a very special first time announcement about the book launch of Face with a Heart


Talkitout2“Dr. Debra” Mandel, aka “The Love Warrior,” is a nationally renowned psychologist, author, and TV/Radio personality with twenty-plus years experience. Combining wit, wisdom and compassion, Dr. Debra has helped millions of people overcome their woes and learn to thrive!

If you haven’t yet met Dr. Debra in person, you may have seen her on many of the top-rated national TV shows (e.g., The Tyra Banks Show, The Today Show, The Early Show), or heard her on over 400 radio programs on a variety of topics, especially those centered on love and intimacy.

Dr. Debra has authored four books including the widely publicized Dump That Chump (Harper Collins, 2007). She also hosted her own radio program, Shrink Rap, wrote a “Dear Dr. Debra” column, and has been regularly quoted in articles for many national magazines such asGlamour, Fitness, Cosmopolitan.

Dr. Debra earned her doctorate from the California School of Professional Psychology and was licensed to practice in 1989. She is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Los Angeles County Psychological Association. She works with individuals, couples, and families with a range of specialties from relationship and daily life issues to depression, anxiety, eating disorders and addiction.

When she’s not out helping people transform adversity into strength, Dr. Debra loves spending time with her family and friends, her lovable Labrador Retriever, Missy, and her two favorite furry felines, Bobby and Prowler!

Talkitout3Kelli Miller, M.S.W. is a widely known therapist, host, actress, and author. On-air for SIRIUS Satellite Radio Channel 198, “Professor Kelli” was the relationship expert who delivered dating advice and answered communication questions. Kelli also co-hosted her own TV show Love and Money: The Advice Show. Annoyed with all her single girlfriend’s complaints, Kelli decided to write Professor Kelli’s Guide to Finding a Husband (Lulu, 2010) and was the advice columnist (“Ask Kelli”) for the largest listserv in the country, as well as for The Examiner newspaper. Kelli’s worked with adults, adolescents, and children, and has run therapy groups.
When Kelli takes a break from people’s problems you’ll find her on the big screen. She has appeared on NBC, CBS, ABC, Investigation Discovery, The Learning Channel, The Weather Channel, Destination American, DIY Network, and more. She has been in over 8 television series’ and over twenty-five commercials. She’s also conducted voiceovers for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the US Navy, American Public Education, The Genetics and IVF institute, and more.

Kelli lives with her adoring (when he does the dishes) husband David, their two sons, and their pet whippet named Moose. If you want to make Kelli’s day, buy her a good piece of dark chocolate.

Tuesday June 2 2015
What: Live online interview
Host – Debra Mandel – Talk It Out!
When: Tuesday June 2 2015  1pm PST
Where: Go to: to listen


Official Amazon Book Launch Today, Tuesday June 2nd 2015


Official Amazon Book Launch Today, Tuesday June 2nd 2015


Chris Scott
2nd of June 2015

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of the wonderfully visual ‘how to’ book Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup (2014), as well as Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup (2003).

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Virtual Blog Tour: June 2. Book launch Day: Spirit Authors by Lynn Serafinn

I was asked questions from renowned bloggers about Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup from the perspective of their blogs point-of-view.

Each day leading up to the Amazon launch of Face with a Heart on Tuesday June 2nd, we will feature their blogs.

Please take a moment to check out this great variety of bloggers as I lean passionately towards Amazon launch day Today Tuesday June 2nd.

Official Launch Day: Get your copy now Tuesday June 2nd and claim all your high value gifts that accompany purchase today only.


LYNN SERAFINN, MAED, CPCC is a certified, award-winning coach, teacher, marketer, social media expert, radio host, speaker and author of the number one bestseller The 7 Graces of Marketing — How to Heal Humanity and the Planet by Changing the Way We Sell and Tweep-e-licious! 158 Twitter Tips & Strategies for Writers, Social Entrepreneurs & Changemakers Who Want to Market their Business Ethically. She is listed in the Top 20 of the Top Marketing Authors on Twitter by Social Media Magazine and was a finalist for the prestigious Brit Writers Awards. She also received the eLit Book Awards Silver Medal in Humanitarian and Ecological Social Affairs, as well as the Bronze Medal in Business and Sales.

Lynn’s eclectic approach to marketing incorporates her vast professional experience in the music industry and the educational sector along with more than two decades of study and practice of the spirituality of India. Her innovative marketing campaigns have produced a long list of bestselling non-fiction authors through her company Spirit Authors. Lynn is also the Founder of the 7 Graces Project, created to train, support, mentor and inspire independent business owners to market their business ethically, serve society and planet, and restore all that is best about humanity.

Tuesday June 2 2015
W hat: Virtual blog tour
Who: Blog host – Lynn Serafinn –  Spirit Authors
Tuesday June 2 2015
Where: Go to

Official Amazon Book Launch Today Tuesday June 2, 2015  Get your copy now and claim all your high value gifts that accompany purchase today only.

Official Amazon Book Launch Today Tuesday June 2, 2015  Get your copy now and claim all your high value gifts that accompany purchase today only.

Chris Scott
2nd of June 2015, Amazon Launch Day


CHRIS SCOTT Makeup GourmetCHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of the wonderfully visual ‘how to’ book Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup (2014), as well as Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup (2003). Favorite saying that I think I made up: The grass is always greener where you water it.

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott