Makeup Gourmet

My Favorite Winter Holiday Dessert Drink


My mom had a sweet tooth.

When we went out she ordered Baileys on the rocks before dinner.


I was always surprised that she ordered this sweet drink before a meal.

Once us kids figured out she liked Baileys, she always received Baileys for Christmas and birthdays.

She was also a very light drinker. Consequently, she had so many bottles of Baileys she never get through them.


Because of her fondness of Baileys, I was drawn to a drink called Mudslide.

I mix a Mudslide every winter holiday and it is my holiday dessert drink staple.


It may not warm you up, however, it has the potential to heat you up.

I share my simple and satisfying version with you.

Makeup Gourmet Mudslide

1 part Baileys Irish Cream

1 part Kahlua Coffee Liquer

2 parts Vodka (optional)

Serve over ice or in your favorite hot beverage.

As you enjoy your mudslide, please remember that Makeup Gourmet has 2 great offers during the holidays.

Whether you are gifting yourself or others, here is a reminder of those two offers.


Offer #1

22% off all Gift Certificates (Even cash value certificates!) now through Christmas day.


Extra Bonus

All service gift certificates such as a makeup application or makeup lesson still includes the 15% off all products purchased during the time of service.

The makeup Gourmet cash value gift certificate starts at $25 and goes up to $500. This means if you have a lot of small gifts to give we have that for you. If it is a larger more generous gift you want to offer someone we have that too. All the while saving you 22% with every purchase.


Offer #2

Please accept this gift of $20 and use it towards your next Makeup Gourmet product and/or service selection of $50 or more.






You may use this gift and re-gift it at the same time.
Give it to others to enjoy and they, in turn, may also re-gift to others and still get to keep theirs.

Please re-gift with wild abandon by sharing this link to your friends, family and social media circles.

This is the one re-gift that never stops giving up to and including Christmas Day 2016.

*This gift has a one-time use per-person.
This gift does not apply to sale items and may not be combined with any other coupons, promotions or special offers.
Gift has no cash value.
This gift expires the day after Christmas 2016.

underline-fancy-lines-25fvjr-clipart carries a complete line of quality Authentic Beauty Makeup products including:



Skincare for women and men













foundation brush


Supplies such as quick dry brush cleaner

Quick Dry Brush Cleaner




Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide









We offer highly reviewed services such as:

Makeup application



Makeup lessons



Personal DVD tutorials



Group makeup lessons 



Online Skype virtual lessons so you can give the gift of Makeup Gourmet
to someone anywhere in the world and I can meet with them.



I so truly wish everyone the greatest peace and joy now and always.

With great warmth,

Chris Scott
16th of December,  2016


Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new best selling book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Grandma gave all us kids $20 for Christmas

Christmas morning we always had a card with our name on it in the Christmas tree .

It was a gift of a $20 bill from my grandma.

not our actual tree

not our actual tree

This happened every year until I moved out of the house to go to college.


my actual college

Although the value of the $20 changed throughout the years, the impact of the gift never did.

I always felt it was the best $20 in my wallet.

not my actual wallet

not my actual wallet

In memory of my grandma I want to give you the same gift.

not actually me

not actually me

Please accept this gift of $20 and use it towards your next Makeup Gourmet product and/or service selection of $50 or more.

Online Gift Coupon Code*:



Best re-Gift Ever


You may use this gift and re-gift it at the same time.
Give it to others to enjoy and they, in turn, may also re-gift to others and still get to keep theirs.

Please re-gift with wild abandon by sharing this link to your friends, family and social media circles.

This is the one re-gift that never stops giving up to and including Christmas Day 2016.

I so truly wish everyone the greatest peace and joy now and always.

With great warmth,
Chris Scott
8th of December,  2016

*This gift has a one-time use per-person.
This gift does not apply to sale items and may not be combined with any other coupons, promotions or special offers.
Gift has no cash value.
This gift expires the day after Christmas 2016.


Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new best selling book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.


CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

What side of the car is the gas cap on?

My sister traveled extensively for over a decade for her work. She was in a new rental car every week.

Recently she was driving a new car and needed gas. She asked me which side of the car the gas cap is on. I said just look at the gas pump icon on the dashboard and look for what side the arrow is on next to the gas pump icon.


She looked at me like I was crazy. She looked at the dash and she said oh that’s what that is. She has been in a new rental car every week for a decade and never knew that.

The lesson is don’t take anything that you know for granted.

Just because it feels like common knowledge to you, it isn’t to everyone.

I share this example because more often than not people I work with say why hasn’t anyone told me this, or, I wish I knew this years ago!

I tried very hard not to take what I know about makeup for granted when I wrote Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.


If not for yourself, who do you wish knew more about makeup, or needs a better relationship with makeup.


What does a better relationship with makeup even mean?


Using makeup is a reality for so many people.

The relationship I want to foster between people and their makeup is that the purpose is clear and the technique is solid.  A relationship where there is no trial by error. It is as simple as looking at the arrow on your dashboard to know which side the gas cap is on.

Every time I hear a client say I wish someone had told me this years ago, I know that Face with a Heart creates a better relationship between them and their makeup.


I urge you to share this knowledge with someone you know. Be it your daughter, your niece, your friend’s daughter, your friends, even yourself. It will make this one aspect of their life easier and by far more confident.


This book can be purchased on and I am running a December Holiday Special of $24.95 as opposed to $29.95.

I also want you to know that Amazon sells this book for $29.95, however along with it you also receive a free e-version of the book. I think this is also of great value in our portable e-lives.

It is not important to me whether you get this book from or Amazon. What is important is that we get this book into the hands of those we truly love and give them a better relationship with makeup throughout their lives.

Chris Scott
1st of December,  2016


Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new best selling book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.


CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Crazy Cyber Monday 2016 33% Off

Now until Midnight Tonight

Anything you put in your cart today will be 33% off* until midnight when you use this code at checkout:


This discount applies to all full price items
on the Makeup Gourmet website.

*The discount does not apply to sale items and may not be combined with any other coupon, promotion or special offer.

Happy Holidays


Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new best selling book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.


Chris Scott
28th of November,  2016

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Holiday Special 22% off All Gift Certificates

We renovated our holiday gift certificate offer from last year.

Last year we offered a 15% off all service gift certificates while still including the 15% off all products at time of service when the gift certificate is redeemed.

This year we are offering a generous 22% discount on all gift certificates and are including the cash value gift certificates to the special offer.

For example when you give a $50 gift certificate from Makeup Gourmet you pay only $39. Give a $100 gift certificate and you pay only $78. And the math goes on.

There are no limits to how many gift certificates you can buy and remember you can buy them for yourself as well.

Extra Bonus

All service gift certificates such as a makeup application or makeup lesson still includes the 15% off all products purchased during the time of service. carries a complete line of quality Authentic Beauty Makeup products including:



Skincare for women and men




foundation brush

Supplies such as quick dry brush cleaner

Quick Dry Brush Cleaner



Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide

We offer highly reviewed services such as:

Makeup application


Makeup lessons


Personal DVD tutorials


Group makeup lessons 


Online Skype virtual lessons so you can give the gift of Makeup Gourmet
to someone anywhere in the world and I can meet with them.


The makeup Gourmet cash value gift certificate starts at $25 and goes up to $500. This means if you have a lot of small gifts to give we have that for you. If it is a larger more generous gift you want to offer someone we have that too. All the while saving you 22% with every purchase.

Since the cash value gift certificates already includes a 22% discount
there is no further discount when using the cash value gift certificate.

We can all use a good hug right now.
I am hoping that this gesture of an offer brightens you and your’s day!


Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new best selling book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.

Chris Scott
15th of November,  2016

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Daily Intensive Moisturizer: One Size Fits All

Makeup Gourmet Introduces the Simplicity of One Moisturizer for Day & Night

a moisturizer blog image

Although there are abundant advantages for using specific moisturizers for day and night, some of us want to simplify our lives.

Makeup Gourmet now has an effective anytime all-purpose moisturizer.

Some moisture is better than no moisture. If Daily Intensive Moisturizer makes it possible for you to hydrate your skin whenever you may feel you need it without the worry of what time of day it is then this is a win!

This emollient crème hydrates and softens skin while protecting delicate skin tissue from harsh environmental damage. Cruelty free, paraben free, sulfate free, gluten free

Key ingredients include:daily-intensive-moisturizer-copy

Sodium Hyaluronate
A powerful humectant that attracts and holds on to water, making it the ultimate skin moisturizer. This helps to hydrate skin and keep it moist and supple by binding up to 1000 times its weight in water.

Because it attracts and binds to water, it causes slight swelling. This swelling helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and gives skin a more youthful appearance. The added water reflects light better to physically make skin look younger.

Pro Vitamin B / Panthenol
As a humectant, provitamin B stabilizes the skin barrier function, reducing the amount of water lost through the skin. By applying a provitamin B5 formulation to the skin, you will not only increase its hydration but improve its softness and elasticity, making provitamin B5 ideal for the treatment of dry, scaly or rough skin.

Panthenol is a humectant–a water-binding substance that attracts and retains water that has been shown to improve the appearance of irritated skin and is often used as rejuvenating agent.


Daily Intensive Moisturizer Intro Special

Normally $25.  Now $19.  24% Savings! through 10/31/16
One moisturizer for day and night.
Free shipping within USA / $50 minimum
Size: 2 fl. oz. (59 ml)
Recommended for: All skin types.
Cruelty free | Paraben free | Sulfate Free | Gluten Free
Made in USA



What to Know about Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® Skin Care.


Makeup Gourmet’s Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® products are developed alongside the Face with a Heart Authentic Beauty Makeup® method of application. They are customized to give you the best results when applying your makeup.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new best selling book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.


Chris Scott
19th of October,  2016

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Lighting for Makeup

kindly share

The good news is Makeup Gourmet is all moved and savoring its new location. 

Along with the move came unexpected innovations.

The first is new lighting. I am sharing this in the spirit that if you ever wanted better (oh, let’s just say ideal) lighting at home and not sure how to achieve it, read on.

Although I was always pleased with the ‘Hollywood’ style lights I used in my previous studio, they do not fit the look of my new studio.



I also want more true daylight light as well as energy efficient and not hot lights. All of which my previous lights were not.

It was funny to research this online as so many bloggers said “The best light is natural light”. Well yeah, however, how does one simulate this in an in indoor setting.


Side note. My new studio has a west facing window and if natural light is requested, it is available.

The light source most often mentioned as being clean, true light, energy efficient and not hot is LED light.

After searching and pricing expensive pre-made options, I decided to make my own.

I want to tell you this because it is so simple and so very awesome.

I am using countertop strip lights. These are the lights that are attached to the underside of cupboards and light up kitchen counters in that cool indirect way.



I searched and found these discreet LED strip lights at IKEA.


I put one strip on each side of the mirror and…



There are 3 components to order from IKEA online.

The light strips come in three sizes: 15, 18, and 24 inches and range from $35-$45 depending on the length. Click Here to see lights at IKEA.

The other 2 things you need are one power cord ($5) and one electrical transformer ($12 – $30).

The math you need to do is pick a transformer that handles the full wattage of the lights.

I chose the 24 inch lights which use 10 watts each. Because of this, I got the transformer that can handle up to 30 watts and plugged 3 lights into one transformer.

Installation was easy. Screw 2 screws that hold the plastic support plate and then press/snap the light into the plastic support plate.


Next plug each light into the transformer.


Plug the electrical cord into the transformer and a light socket.


The cord comes with a handy switch on it to easily turn on/off the lights.


The light is so clean and balanced you will always be able to see yourself more clearly and thus most precisely achieve the finish you want with every makeup application.

I invite everyone to come and see my new location.

If you mention this post, I will give you a 15% reduction in the full service price and you will still receive a 15% reduction in all product purchases at time of service.
This is a stand-alone offer and may not be combined with any other offer/promotion/coupon. Thank you. 

You may book new appointments now by clicking here.

Chris Scott
5th of October, 2016

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Moving Sale X’s Twenty Two: 22% Cart Discount Code: movinghelp22

kindly share

Credit Where Credit is Due

High five’s for all of your help while we move.

As a bonus thank you, I am adding one more use per customer of the movinghelp22 discount code.

Please use and share this Moving Sale 22% Cart Discount Code movinghelp22  with Olympic intensity.  

This is truly the greatest moving help you can offer.


The code for the 22% cart discount is:


It is good for the entire cart regardless of size except for already featured sale items. If you happen to put a sale item into the cart, the code will not work. Simply delete the featured sale item from the cart and the code will work.
Code is now good for 2 rounds of moving help shopping.

Here is a blank-slate sneak-peek of the new
Makeup Gourmet Studio


We will reopen September 6, 2016

You may book new appointments now by clicking here.

Thank you for your continued support!

Chris Scott
25th of August, 2016

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Moving Sale Help: 22% Cart Discount. Code: movinghelp22

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“Now please stop oozing out – get out.”

Have you ever wanted to say this to someone who, while announcing their departure, finds every reason to stay?

The Character Sheridan Whiteside says this from the play, The Man Who Came To Dinner, by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart.

Makeup Gourmet has been ‘oozing out ‘ the last 6 months announcing relocation and all the while staying put.

Our search is over and now we need your help during our move.


You can help us greatly by taking advantage of our ‘movinghelp22 22% cart discount during our move.

The code for the 22% cart discount is:


Offer expires after Labor Day September 5 2016

It is good for the entire cart regardless of size except for already featured sale items. If you happen to put a sale item into the cart, the code will not work. Simply delete the featured sale item from the cart and the code will work.

Please Note: this is a one per customer code so please fill your cart accordingly. Users are identified by email during checkout.

We will take appointments through Saturday August 20th and then reopen Wednesday September 7, 2016 in our new San Francisco location.

Using and sharing this Moving Sale 22% Cart Discount Code movinghelp22 with wild abandon will be the greatest moving help you can offer while we are closed for the move.

Thank you for your help!

Chris Scott

8th of August, 2016

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Contour Part 4 – Blush: Cream & Powder Tutorial

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Makeup Gourmet Chris Scott’s  series of how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller
Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Blush. A Flush of Color.

blush flush



Blush needs to appear as if your skin is manufacturing that color, not wearing it.

In order to do that, it is essential to examine how a natural blushing of the skin appears.

To my eye there is a surge of color in the skin that grows more intense as it moves toward the center of the face.

For both cream and powder blush, here are full-proof techniques to achieve a flawless flush of color.



Cream Blush


• Put cream blush on tip of middle finger

• Make 3 dots along the cheekbone in the exact same places described in the powder blush section and in the same order.

• By default, the first dot will have more color and the consequent dots will have less as the amount of cream blush lessens with each dot.




• Starting at the first dot closest to the heart line and with a clean finger, use the palm side of your finger and blend blush by working in a circular motion.

• Slowly work back to the hair line.

• This technique shall disperse the cream blush evenly and smoothly.

For skin that tends to absorb cheek color rapidly, it is suggested to layer the cream and powder blush.

In this scenario, apply the cream blush first and the powder blush over the cream blush using the exact application techniques as described above.

Cream Blush Video Tutorial


Powder blush: 3-2-1

• Pat the tip of the blush brush on to the blush color.

• Tap off the excess

• Smile or ask model to smile.

• The part of the cheek that rises up the most is where the first blush is applied. We call this the ‘energy’ of the cheek (this area is often called the apple of the cheek. As this placement is more precise, the energy of the cheek is preferred.) This means the place where the face moves the most in the cheek area.


• For placement, the first blush application goes along and outside the heart line in the energy of the cheek. This will further define and enhance the heart of the face.

• In a systematic fashion, pat the brush 3 times in the energy of the cheek.



Makeup_Gourmet_Powder_Blush_3_2_1 (1)

• Now move up to the center of the cheekbone just along the top side of the contour application and pat 2 times.

• Next move back a little more towards the hairline and pat 1 time.

• Repeat this on the other side of the face.

Go back and forth from cheek to cheek until the desired intensity and balance is met.



Powder Blush Video Tutorial


How blush Contours

blush contour 2heartline

By strategically placing blush just outside the heart line, the brightness of the interior of the heart is enhanced in contrast to the blush just outside it.

As long as blush is outside the heart line, it will not compete with the eyes and lips and become a distraction.

This is good news for those who really like their blush. By using the 3-2-1 powder blush method, the result always appears natural to the skin and you can get away with a substantial amount of blush without throwing off the balance of your look.


Click her for the Makeup Gourmet complete range of cheek and contour products.


This contour series will feature the following topics.

Part 1: The heart is off limits.

Part 2: Finding and enhancing your cheekbones.

Part 3: Bronzer & how it applies to contouring.

Part 4: Blush. A Flush of Color.


Face with a Heart is a clear and precise method to apply your makeup specifically. It clarifies all your questions about what goes where and why.

If you want to look specifically good without ever being overdone, Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup will  show you the way. Along with the book, there are online videos to visualize the application so you too may master your makeup!


A complimentary e-book comes with every
paperback purchase from Amazon.




Note: This series of video tutorials is organized in a specific order of application. It is not necessary to do every step when you do your makeup but I do suggest you follow the order of the videos and skip the steps that don’t apply to you.

Please let me know if this blog was of value to you and share your own Authentic Beauty Makeup tips in the comments box below. I would love to hear how you get on trying this new method of makeup application – tell me how useful you find the tutorials and how you found the results. You can also use the comments box to tell me what interests and concerns you when it comes to which makeup colors to choose. Please let me know so I can fashion future blogs that are relevant and interesting to you.

Want to know more? My new book, Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup is available on Amazon now.

Chris Scott

3rd of August, 2016

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his nearly 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades, and is also the creator and guest teacher of Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure his clients and the public could have access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare with a low-carbon footprint. Chris is also the author of Cosmetic Counter Survival Guide: How to Buy the Right Skin Care and Makeup and the international #1 bestseller Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott