Makeup Gourmet

How To Pick The Right Lip Color

The long forgotten part of our facial anatomy re-emerges. With lips once again naked and exposed, and your old lip color having seen better days/years, here is a tried and true method for getting the right lip color.

Let the color pick you.

Here’s how:

  • Before putting any color on your lips, put colors you are attracted to on your fingertips.
  • Next hold your finger over your lips while looking into a mirror.
  • You will have an instant visceral response to whether this color likes you or not.

Other tests:

  • Hold your colored fingertips over the clothing you are wearing.
  • See if they like each other.
  • Some colors make other colors look more vibrant, and some just seem off. 
  • Trust your visceral judgment and go with what makes you smile.

Now we get to see each other smile again.

Chris Scott
27th of April, 202

Chris Scott’s series of Makeup Gourmet how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller

Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Want to know more?

Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup 

is available on Amazon now.

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice Presidents Al Gore & Kamala Harris, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. Creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. A leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades. Designed the course and taught Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure everyone has access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare made in the USA. Chris is the author of the International #1 Amazon Bestseller FACE WITH A HEART: MASTERING AUTHENTIC BEAUTY MAKEUP (2014), the COSMETIC COUNTER SURVIVAL GUIDE: HOW TO BUY THE RIGHT SKINCARE AND MAKEUP (2003), and HOW A MAKEUP ARTIST BECOMES A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

January is the slowest month of the year

January is the ski lift of months. You sit down and calmly wait while the lift takes you to the top of the mountain. I love January. The calm. The cool.

You get off the lift February 1st and then the year starts rushing by.

As we all near the top of the mountain and start skiing down 2022, I ask us to remember the ski lift of January that got us there.

As many of us are re-entering the world of actual human interaction, Makeup Gourmet asks to ease that transition with a site-wide offer to help you put your best in-person foot forward.





Are 20% off starting now to the end of February 2022.

Use Coupon Code: skilift

20% off applies to all regular priced offerings at

We wish you a pleasant descent into 2022.

My wish for 2022 is to be pleasantly surprised, about anything.

What’s yours?

Chris Scott
27th of January, 202

Chris Scott’s series of Makeup Gourmet how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller

Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Want to know more?

Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup 

is available on Amazon now.

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice Presidents Al Gore & Kamala Harris, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. Creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. A leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades. Designed the course and taught Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure everyone has access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare made in the USA. Chris is the author of the International #1 Amazon Bestseller FACE WITH A HEART: MASTERING AUTHENTIC BEAUTY MAKEUP (2014), the COSMETIC COUNTER SURVIVAL GUIDE: HOW TO BUY THE RIGHT SKINCARE AND MAKEUP (2003), and HOW A MAKEUP ARTIST BECOMES A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

How to present a memorable holiday meal

Recording + Recipes

It’s not what you cook, rather, how you present it.

Bring your A-Game to the Table this holiday season! Join us as we learn a few quick and delicious recipes along with entertaining tips in our next webinar:“How To Present a Memorable Holiday Meal” with Chris Scott, Virtual Stager, Makeup Artist/Trainer, Best Selling Author, Gourmet Chef and creator of Running Fork Comfort Catering.

This recording features a live demonstration of:

• The Spicy Noni: A Spirited Sparkler

• Bistro Crab Stack: Courtesy of Michael Northern/Nordstrom Flavors

Here are the recipes so you may follow along.

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

Our Speaker:

Chris Scott
Virtual Stager, Makeup Artist/Trainer, Best Selling Author, Gourmet Chef
Running Fork Comfort Catering

‘Tis the Season! Over the last year and a half, Chris Scott has been helping us behind the scenes on every webinar and you may remember him from one of our first webinars “Fine Tune Your Zoom”. In addition to his talents in makeup and production, Chris is also a gourmet chef!

What, may you ask, is a Running Fork? Running Fork, whose motto is “Go Forth and Forkify” is the manifestation of Chris’s amazing sense of humor.  He has taken the concept of the Running Fork and created a catering business in San Francisco where he is located and expanded his cooking classes to include an online experience that teaches you how to prepare wonderful food in your own home.

This is not a slideshow! This is a live cooking demonstration of excellent holiday food and drink.

This webinar is provided by my clients and friends at Lumena Financial. They are super great people who work really hard to offer outstanding webinars. Now the pressure is on me.

I am looking forward to serving you at my virtual holiday table.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Chris Scott
11th of December, 202

Chris Scott’s series of Makeup Gourmet how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller

Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Want to know more?

Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup 

is available on Amazon now.

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice Presidents Al Gore & Kamala Harris, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. Creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. A leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades. Designed the course and taught Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure everyone has access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare made in the USA. Chris is the author of the International #1 Amazon Bestseller FACE WITH A HEART: MASTERING AUTHENTIC BEAUTY MAKEUP (2014), the COSMETIC COUNTER SURVIVAL GUIDE: HOW TO BUY THE RIGHT SKINCARE AND MAKEUP (2003), and HOW A MAKEUP ARTIST BECOMES A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

November Surprise

Holidays 2021 Are Upon Us

Try Not To Get Stuck In The Holiday Shop Slush

Your Purchases Earn You Points

Bonus 10% of total amount ‘Thank You’ Gift Card sent to purchaser for all Gift Card purchases.

Cash Gift Cards

  • $10-$500 Gift Cards available.
  • Personalize your gift with your own message.
  • Schedule the date you want to auto-send your Gift Cards.
  • You receive a 10% of purchase Bonus Gift Card for all Gift Card purchases.
  • Gift Cards maintain your balance so you may use all at once or with multiple transactions.

Easy to personalize, schedule delivery, and auto send gift cards to your recipient.

Bonus 10% of total amount ‘Thank You’ Gift Card sent to purchaser for all Gift Card purchases.

Start Shopping

Makeup Service Gift Certificates

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Bonus: Gift Certificate purchasers receive a one-time 20% off cart Coupon good towards all full price products and services at Makeup Gourmet.

Start Shopping

The holidays are feeling better this year. I hope you are too.

Chris Scott
11th of November, 202

Chris Scott’s series of Makeup Gourmet how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller

Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Want to know more?

Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup 

is available on Amazon now.

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice Presidents Al Gore & Kamala Harris, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. Creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. A leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades. Designed the course and taught Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure everyone has access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare made in the USA. Chris is the author of the International #1 Amazon Bestseller FACE WITH A HEART: MASTERING AUTHENTIC BEAUTY MAKEUP (2014), the COSMETIC COUNTER SURVIVAL GUIDE: HOW TO BUY THE RIGHT SKINCARE AND MAKEUP (2003), and HOW A MAKEUP ARTIST BECOMES A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Made in USA

Back in 2008 when choosing a manufacturer for Makeup Gourmet Cosmetics, I was adamant that they be made in the USA.

This is a decision that made itself.

Then, and now, the reasons are clear:

  • My customer mostly lives in the USA.
  • By providing local work to produce Makeup Gourmet Cosmetics, our domestic economy gets stronger.
  • The stronger our economy, the stronger the buying power of my customers.

My products can be made less expensively in foreign markets. This, however, only increases my profit margin, not the economical strength of my customer base.

It is vital, now more than ever, for businesses to consider everyone’s bottom line, not just their own.

As we inch towards controlling Covid, and recovering our lost economic output, I ask that every business join me in this Made in USA policy.

We will all recoverer more quickly and soundly when we make a concerted effort to support each other when making purchasing decisions.

Invest In Yourself While Investing In Others

20% off all full priced Products & Services

Coupon Code: MadeinUSA

Click Here To Get Started

Stay informed: Center of Disease Control (CDC)

Stay safe. Stay well.

Chris Scott
11th of February, 2021

Chris Scott’s series of Makeup Gourmet how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller

Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Want to know more?

Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup 

is available on Amazon now.

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades. He designed the course and taught Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure everyone has access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare made in the USA. Chris is the author of the International #1 Amazon Bestseller FACE WITH A HEART: MASTERING AUTHENTIC BEAUTY MAKEUP (2014), the COSMETIC COUNTER SURVIVAL GUIDE: HOW TO BUY THE RIGHT SKINCARE AND MAKEUP (2003) and released February 2019, HOW A MAKEUP ARTIST BECOMES A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

At Long Last, A Matriarch

2 days ago I read that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor will swear in Vice President Kamala Harris.

The profound connection for me to yesterday’s inauguration is that I know both of these women and have had the great honor to do their makeup. 

I am overwhelmed at how fantastic sincere common decency feels right now.

We were a nation left unloved and abused by the patriarch of our own federal government.

I am comforted to have, for the first time, a matriarch serving second-in-command and, if need be, a step away from the Presidency.

To quote the last few lines of youth poet laureate Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem:

…our people diverse and beautiful will emerge,

battered and beautiful

When day comes we step out of the shade,

aflame and unafraid

The new dawn blooms as we free it

For there is always light,

if only we’re brave enough to see it

If only we’re brave enough to be it

For my part, This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!

Stay informed: Center of Disease Control (CDC)

I hope everyone’s light is shining!

Chris Scott
21st of January, 2021

Chris Scott’s series of Makeup Gourmet how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller

Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Want to know more?

Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup 

is available on Amazon now.

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades. He designed the course and taught Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure everyone has access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare made in the USA. Chris is the author of the International #1 Amazon Bestseller FACE WITH A HEART: MASTERING AUTHENTIC BEAUTY MAKEUP (2014), the COSMETIC COUNTER SURVIVAL GUIDE: HOW TO BUY THE RIGHT SKINCARE AND MAKEUP (2003) and released February 2019, HOW A MAKEUP ARTIST BECOMES A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

New Years Superstitious?

I have never been New Year’s superstitious.

I cannot remember a single resolution I have made in the past.

This New Years is different.

I want to make a great first impression with 2021.

For whatever reason, that manifested into me washing and putting on clean sheets, and doing all my laundry so as to not bring any dirty laundry into the New Year.

We need 2021 to outshine, heal, and resolve 2020.

As with birthdays, every New Year is a gift.

This one, for the first time, has made me a little superstitious.

So I am primping to look my very best so 2021 knows I take it seriously.

Can you blame me?

With unlimited hope and heart sent wishes
I wish everyone the bestest New Years ever!

Let’s say farewell to 2020 in a grand way.

40% Off Cart until the end of 2020

Cart Coupon code: 20+20

Unlimited use.
No minimum amount required.

Applies to all full price items in the Makeup Gourmet Shoppe

Cash Gift Cards

  • $10-$500 Gift Cards available.
  • Personalize your gift with your own message.
  • Schedule the date you want to auto-send your Gift Cards.
  • You receive a 10% Bonus Gift Card for all Gift Card purchases.
  • Gift Cards maintain your balance so you may use all at once or with multiple transactions.

Easy to schedule and send gift cards to your recipient.

Easy to personalize, schedule delivery, and auto send gift cards to your recipient.

Bonus 10% of total amount ‘Thank You’ Gift Card sent to purchaser for all Gift Card purchases.

Start Shopping

Makeup Service Gift Certificates

Personalized Printable PDF Gift Certificate provided.

Bonus: Gift Certificate purchasers receive a one-time 20% off cart Coupon good towards all full price products and services at Makeup Gourmet.

Start Shopping

Stay informed: Center of Disease Control (CDC)

With unlimited hope and heart sent wishes I wish everyone the bestest New Years ever!

Chris Scott
31st of December, 2020

Bye-Bye 2020 Bye-Bye
See ya–Wouldn’t wanna be ya!

Chris Scott’s series of Makeup Gourmet how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller

Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Want to know more?

Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup 

is available on Amazon now.

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades. He designed the course and taught Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure everyone has access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare made in the USA. Chris is the author of the International #1 Amazon Bestseller FACE WITH A HEART: MASTERING AUTHENTIC BEAUTY MAKEUP (2014), the COSMETIC COUNTER SURVIVAL GUIDE: HOW TO BUY THE RIGHT SKINCARE AND MAKEUP (2003) and released February 2019, HOW A MAKEUP ARTIST BECOMES A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

20+20=40% Off Cart For You Through 2020

Let’s say farewell to 2020 in a grand way.

40% Off Cart until the end of 2020

Cart Coupon code: 20+20

Unlimited use.
No minimum amount required.

Applies to all full price items in the Makeup Gourmet Shoppe

Cash Gift Cards

  • $10-$500 Gift Cards available.
  • Personalize your gift with your own message.
  • Schedule the date you want to auto-send your Gift Cards.
  • You receive a 10% Bonus Gift Card for all Gift Card purchases.
  • Gift Cards maintain your balance so you may use all at once or with multiple transactions.

Easy to schedule and send gift cards to your recipient.

Easy to personalize, schedule delivery, and auto send gift cards to your recipient.

Bonus 10% of total amount ‘Thank You’ Gift Card sent to purchaser for all Gift Card purchases.

Start Shopping

Makeup Service Gift Certificates

Personalized Printable PDF Gift Certificate provided.

Bonus: Gift Certificate purchasers receive a one-time 20% off cart Coupon good towards all full price products and services at Makeup Gourmet.

Start Shopping

Stay informed: Center of Disease Control (CDC)

Safest way to shop this year is online.

Please continue to wear your masks and follow your good judgement to help neutralize Covid-19.

As a result, it will be the best gift we can give ourselves and each other this year.

Chris Scott
17th of December, 2020

Chris Scott’s series of Makeup Gourmet how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller

Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Want to know more?

Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup 

is available on Amazon now.

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades. He designed the course and taught Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure everyone has access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare made in the USA. Chris is the author of the International #1 Amazon Bestseller FACE WITH A HEART: MASTERING AUTHENTIC BEAUTY MAKEUP (2014), the COSMETIC COUNTER SURVIVAL GUIDE: HOW TO BUY THE RIGHT SKINCARE AND MAKEUP (2003) and released February 2019, HOW A MAKEUP ARTIST BECOMES A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Makeup Books For Gifts

Share the Bestseller that reveals the How-To of using makeup to highlight each person’s Authentic Beauty.

• Includes both theory and practical how-to of Authentic Beauty Makeup application.
• Online accompanying video tutorials.
• Get free Kindle edition with paperback purchase.
• Fresh print-on-demand copy for each paperback purchase.
• Start your order your by clicking here.

Give the most informative book for selecting cosmetics and receiving the highest quality customer service.

• How to try before you buy.
• Getting the best customer service.
• When to splurge-when to conserve.
• Personalized Self assessment guide.
• Fresh print-on-demand copy for each paperback purchase.
• Start your order your by clicking here.

Help the aspiring makeup artist you know to succeed.

• Guaranteed blueprint for success.
• Detailed legal info for the creative entrepreneur.
• Best practices for client retention.
• How to train and what goes in your kit.
• Fresh print-on-demand copy for each paperback purchase.
• Start your order your by clicking here.

Cash Gift Cards

  • $10-$500 Gift Cards available.
  • Personalize your gift with your own message.
  • Schedule the date you want to auto-send your Gift Cards.
  • You receive a 10% Bonus Gift Card for all Gift Card purchases.
  • Gift Cards maintain your balance so you may use all at once or with multiple transactions.

Easy to schedule and send gift cards to your recipient.

Easy to personalize, schedule delivery, and auto send gift cards to your recipient.

Bonus 10% of total amount ‘Thank You’ Gift Card sent to purchaser for all Gift Card purchases.

Start Shopping

Makeup Service Gift Certificates

Personalized Printable PDF Gift Certificate provided.

Bonus: Gift Certificate purchasers receive a one-time 20% off cart Coupon good towards all full price products and services at Makeup Gourmet.

Start Shopping

Stay informed: Center of Disease Control (CDC)

Safest way to shop this year is online.

Please continue to wear your masks and follow your good judgement to help neutralize Covid-19.

As a result, it will be the best gift we can give ourselves and each other this year.

Chris Scott
5th of December, 2020

Chris Scott’s series of Makeup Gourmet how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller

Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Want to know more?

Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup 

is available on Amazon now.

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades. He designed the course and taught Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure everyone has access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare made in the USA. Chris is the author of the International #1 Amazon Bestseller FACE WITH A HEART: MASTERING AUTHENTIC BEAUTY MAKEUP (2014), the COSMETIC COUNTER SURVIVAL GUIDE: HOW TO BUY THE RIGHT SKINCARE AND MAKEUP (2003) and released February 2019, HOW A MAKEUP ARTIST BECOMES A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott

Take Advantage of Greater Savings This Thanksgiving Weekend

$20 – 20% – You Pick

For orders just over $50 – Take $20 off.
Coupon Code – $20
Unlimited Usage
Requires $50 Minimum.
Does not apply to sale items.

For larger orders – Take 20% off Cart
Coupon Code – 20%
Unlimited Usage
Requires $100 Minimum.
Does not apply to sale items.

This offer extends to Gift Cards.
You receive a 10% Bonus Gift Card for all Gift Card purchases.

Cash Gift Cards

  • $10-$500 Gift Cards available.
  • Personalize your gift with your own message.
  • Schedule the date you want to auto-send your Gift Cards.
  • You receive a 10% Bonus Gift Card for all Gift Card purchases.
  • Gift Cards maintain your balance so you may use all at once or with multiple transactions.

Easy to schedule and send gift cards to your recipient.

Easy to personalize, schedule delivery, and auto send gift cards to your recipient.

Bonus 10% of total amount ‘Thank You’ Gift Card sent to purchaser for all Gift Card purchases.

Start Shopping

Makeup Service Gift Certificates

Personalized Printable PDF Gift Certificate provided.

Bonus: Gift Certificate purchasers receive a one-time 20% off cart Coupon good towards all full price products and services at Makeup Gourmet.

Start Shopping

We are only taking online appointments until Covid-19 is safely neutralized.

In-person services will resume once it is safe.

Stay informed: Center of Disease Control (CDC)

I am incredibly thankful we made it through this year intact and we have Covid vaccines becoming available just around the corner.

My heart wishes all of you a tremendously Happy Thanksgiving!

Chris Scott
25th of November, 2020

Chris Scott’s series of Makeup Gourmet how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller

Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Want to know more?

Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup 

is available on Amazon now.

CHRIS SCOTT Makeup Gourmet

CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades. He designed the course and taught Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure everyone has access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare made in the USA. Chris is the author of the International #1 Amazon Bestseller FACE WITH A HEART: MASTERING AUTHENTIC BEAUTY MAKEUP (2014), the COSMETIC COUNTER SURVIVAL GUIDE: HOW TO BUY THE RIGHT SKINCARE AND MAKEUP (2003) and released February 2019, HOW A MAKEUP ARTIST BECOMES A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.

‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’

BOOK: Face with a Heart by Chris Scott