Since many of us are using Zoom (or any video conference equivalent) more these days, these tips will help share the best you.

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10 Tips For Your Best Zoom Face (Only 1 Tip Is Makeup)
1- Eye Level

Get the camera of your device eye level or slightly higher than eye level.
This eliminates the focus on your chin and neck area and instead draws easier focus to your eyes.

2- Use Front Light

This means light directly facing you.
If Zooming during the day, sit facing a window. Avoid direct sunlight on your face.
With video. The more light the better so light it up.

Light to avoid is overhead, side, and backlight.
Over head light casts shadows downward on your face and may create a drawn and fatigued appearance.
Side light (unless balanced with equal light on both sides) creates a light/dark moody appearance to your face.
Common example is there is a window to the side of you. That light will draw a shadow across the side of your face furthest from the window and split how others see you.
Back light creates a darkened silhouette of your appearance. The thing we see least is you.

3– Angle Your Chair

By turning your knees 45 degrees away from the camera, your head will naturally turn towards the shoulder opposite from where your knees are facing.
This will give a light angle to your face to the camera and cut a more flattering video image.

4- Virtual Social Distance
Think of it as virtual social distance. Unless you need to have your face close to the camera, stay back 3 feet from the camera. It is distracting when anyone’s face is pushed up to the camera.

5- Head Height

Position your camera so the top of your head just touches or is slightly below the top frame of your video image.
On camera, any space above your head is superfluous and takes away from others seeing just you.

6- Postures

Good posture reads immensely on camera. If your chair promotes a more slumped posture, put a pillow between your lower back and the chair to prop you up.

There is also the psychology of your posture. The person who is sitting up appears more active in the conversation. It reads authoritative, alert and ‘reporting to duty’.

The person who leans back into the chair with one arm laying on the table appears calm, confident, and not a threat. Their posture is still good and they appear relaxed.

7- Accesories
While jewelry is flattering, don’t let it get the attention. Posts or small, non-dangly earrings are best.
Longer dangling jewelry is distracting and can look mysterious on others monitors. Earrings can either mirror ball light or temporarily visually disappear from the viewer on their monitor. All of this accessory activity can be a big distraction.
Necklaces, unless blinking or super big, tend to not get in the way of people seeing you.

8- Your Good Side
Some may already know what side they like best and are encouraged to use it on camera.

If you are not sure you have a good side, let’s make one.

Foreheads can be distracting on camera. Their curved shape and placement make foreheads supreme light reflectors. Here are ways around that.
If your hair can cover your forehead then use it.
Hair creates a border above the eyes so others see your eyes better as they are framed.
If you have bangs, let them cover as much forehead as possible. If your hair is longer, sweep hair sideways across your forehead and turn the sweeping hair towards the camera.
If your hair is parted on the side, make sure the part is away from the camera.
And don’t forget good ole’ translucent or HD powder to control shine. More on that in a minute.

9- Clothing

Try to wear solid color instead of prints. Designate a light jacket or sweater as your Zoom shell to wear when on camera. Any color is fine. Avoid solid white or black on camera. Color is more interesting and flattering.
It is easy to see here how solids versus patterns makes a difference.

10- Makeup (finally).
My mantra for makeup is ‘Reduce the Distractions, Enhance the Attractions’.
Makeup shows people where to look and where not to look.
This mantra applies directly to the advice for all the aspects of video conferencing. It also applies to your makeup as well.
Good news- Most of us do not have an HD camera built into our device we use for a video conference. This means that a little too much concealer or powder (examples) will not read as a distraction on camera.
Here is what matters: Eyes & Lips.
Help people see and hear you better.
Focus Points For On Camera Makeup
Links are provided for video tutorials and product suggestion.
Well groomed and shaped brows.
A clean eye lid. This means using corrector to neutralize natural fatigue looking darkness on the eye lid.
Clean and precise eyeliner for both top and bottom eye line.
A clean mascara look.
Darkness and puffiness/hollowness under the eyes neutalized with correctors.
A lightweight foundation or powder.
Mattify with powder the Heart of your face.
Stain the lips with color (lip pencils work great) to create color separation from your lips so your lips stand apart from your face.
If using gloss, only on center pillow of the lips, not all the lip.
As cameras tend to flatten our appearance, contour and blush are immensely helpful.

I am offering free 30 minute Zoom makeup consultations.
Sign-up for one to get your questions answered immediately and personally.

I am happy to help you with your Zoom face. My 1 hour online Zoom makeup lesson appointments are over 50% off during Shelter In Place.
Usually $99, one hour is now $49
The 2 hour lesson is $69, usually $149.
You may purchase the appointment now and use any time. This means either during Shelter In Place or after. The discount cost is available only during Shelter In Place which looks like 30 more days from this post.
This greatly reduced rate will stay in effect until Shelter In Place is lifted.
As long as you get the lesson now, you may schedule at any time, either during Shelter In Place or after.

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*20% discount applies to all full priced products, not currently on-sale products.

Stay informed: Center of Disease Control (CDC)

I look forward to meeting you from wherever you are.
Chris Scott
3rd of April, 2020

Makeup Gourmet Chris Scott’s series of how-to video tutorials based on his #1 international best seller
Face with a Heart Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup

Want to know more?
Face with a Heart: Mastering Authentic Beauty Makeup
is available on Amazon now.
CHRIS SCOTT, M.A. is the creator of San Francisco-based Makeup Gourmet®. Over his 30-year career, in addition to doing makeup for top models from every corner of the planet, he also had the honor of working for legends like Paul McCartney, US Vice President Al Gore, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Shirley Temple Black, Maya Angelou and Olympic Gold medalists Oksana Baiul and Kristi Yamaguchi. He was the creator and host of the TV show ‘Makeup Gourmet’ from 2008 – 2010. He was a leading Chanel Beauté national artist for over two decades. He designed the course and taught Fashion Makeup at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He created his unique Makeup Gourmet line to ensure everyone has access to high-quality, ethically produced, ‘green’ makeup and skincare made in the USA. Chris is the author of the International #1 Amazon Bestseller FACE WITH A HEART: MASTERING AUTHENTIC BEAUTY MAKEUP (2014), the COSMETIC COUNTER SURVIVAL GUIDE: HOW TO BUY THE RIGHT SKINCARE AND MAKEUP (2003) and released February 2019, HOW A MAKEUP ARTIST BECOMES A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS.
‘The grass is always greener where you water it.’